On July 25, 2012, we lost our son Landon Jacob Brueck at 35 ½ weeks gestation. This devastating experience formed a void in our lives that has yet to be filled. Shortly after our loss, we thought back and realized that there were a few details that stood out to us. The hospital that we delivered Landon at gave us a memory box with items to remember our son, prayer rocks given to us and our family and friends during the baptism, but one thing stood out above all... The blanket that we received him in several times after his passing and later brought home to keep his memory with us forever. One simple question: "Where did this blanket come from?" set Landon's Closet in motion.
"Some ladies donate these blankets to our hospital."
On the day of our loss, our hospital room was completely full with our family and friends, so much so that they opened and adjacent room to accommodate the group. Landon was held for the first and last time by his aunts, uncles, grandparents and our closest friends. Those who would have been instrumental in his life. They all remembered this blanket as well.
"Anything we can do to help you through this, just let us know. We will be there!"
Days after Landon's burial, the blanket remained a big topic of discussion, so we decided that we would like to pay forward the comfort that this blanket brought us. Exactly one month after this tragic loss, Landon's Closet was formed and met for the first time. The first few monthly meetings were spent learning how to knit and crochet, as most of the ladies were learning to do this for the first time. In the first two years, we donated close to 1,000 blankets to eight hospitals in the Chicagoland area. The ladies of Landon's Closet have kept their word. They have been there and have helped us through our loss. And our mission is to help others and provide them even the smallest comfort at a time when they need it most.
This project helps us honor our son and keep his memory alive. We are extremely proud of what Landon’s Closet continues to do and we are touched when we receive feedback from nurses and doctors of hospitals we have donated to, and especially when we hear from families who suffer a loss and receive a Landon’s Closet blanket.